Fix'n Things Up (Website Maintenence)


Website maintenence - wow! sounds a little intimidating.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have a website, let alone do maintenence on it.  Not that I'm writing code or anything; I'm just moving things around.  If you like shopping on Etsy, no problem.  Recently, I added a link to my Etsy Shop.  Just click on the Etsy tab on the home page.  It will take you directly to the Etsy Shop.  By-the-way, my Etsy Shop is called "Another Robin's Nest".  Kinda makes sense, huh?

My current dilemma is based upon two schools of thought: click on the store and see all the products OR click on the store and see categories.  So. . . in order to make the decision, I'm currently setting up categories for all the products here at My Robin's Nest.  When you click on "My Shop", you'll see the categories.  Right now, all the category pictures are the same, but in the future I'll have a different picture for each category. We'll see how this choice works out.

What do you prefer - click on the store and see all the products OR click on the store and see categories?